
Suboxone and Sleepiness

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Suboxone has been shown to be effective in treating opioid addiction. It has become an important tool for helping people take back control of their lives. But like most medications, Suboxone has side effects.

Suboxone users may experience sleepiness as one side effect. This may come as a surprise, particularly to those who do not typically feel so exhausted during the day. Even those who do feel sleepy may do so to varying degrees. Some people may not even feel sleepy at all.

In this article, we’re going to look at the complex relationship of Suboxone and sleepiness, why Suboxone might make you feel tired or sleepy and what steps you can take to combat sleepiness while taking Suboxone on your journey to recovery.


Suboxone and its components

Suboxone is a combination of two drugs: buprenorphine and naloxone. Buprenorphine is a partially effective opioid agonist. It works by binding to the same brain receptors that opioids do. This reduces withdrawal signs and cravings. Buprenorphine does not cause you to feel as high or damage your body as quickly as full agonists like opioids do.

Suboxone is based on how buprenorphine and naloxone work when taken together. Buprenorphine, the active component, has already been mentioned as a medication that helps to reduce cravings and withdrawal symptoms. Naloxone, on the other hand, blocks the opioid receptors. This reduces the likelihood of drug abuse. The addition of naloxone makes it less likely that the drug will be abused and prevents the euphoric feelings that can come from abusing drugs.


Suboxone and Sleepiness


Why does Suboxone make you feel sleepy?

Suboxone can slow down brain function and make you feel sleepy because it can act as a central nervous system depressant.

Opioids, like the main ingredient in Suboxone, buprenorphine, are known to make people feel sleepy and relaxed. Opioids make the central nervous system calm, which makes the body relax and feel calm. Suboxone might make some people feel sleepy because it calms them down. This could make it harder for them to stay awake and do things during the day.


How does Suboxone make you feel sleepy?

Suboxone’s impact on opioid receptors could potentially affect neurotransmitter systems that play a role in sleep regulation. The binding of buprenorphine to these receptors might influence the balance of neurotransmitters involved in sleep-wake cycles, potentially leading to increased drowsiness.

Neurotransmitters like serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine have a lot to do with staying awake and getting a good night’s sleep. Hormones like melatonin also help control how and when you sleep. Any alteration in the balance of these processes’ brain receptors, such as opioid receptors, could make you feel sleepy.

When buprenorphine binds to opioid receptors, it could change how neurotransmitters are released, which could change the way sleep is regulated. Naloxone’s job in Suboxone is to stop people from abusing the drug by blocking opioid receptors. This could possibly affect the balance of neurotransmitters and receptors that control sleep.


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Suboxone Sleepiness and Factors affecting it

People who are being treated with Suboxone may feel sleepy for a number of reasons. These things can either make you sleepier or less sleepy, which shows how complex the link between Suboxone and sleepiness is.


Overall Health and History

Sleepy side effects of Suboxone may be experienced, depending on their general health, mental health, and past drug use. Also, things like exercise, food, and how you deal with stress may either make you sleepier or make it easier to stay awake.


Suboxone Dosage, Frequency of Use and Treatment Duration

The chance of feeling sleepy depends on how much Suboxone you take, how often you take it, and how long you take it for. Higher doses or quick changes in dosage may cause more Suboxone-induced drowsiness, while steady, well-titrated amounts may produce more stable effects.

Getting the right medical care while taking Suboxone is very important. Healthcare experts can keep an eye on how the person responds to the medication and change the doses as needed. A person is more likely to benefit from the medication and experience fewer negative side effects, such as Suboxone sedation effects, by adhering to the directions provided. By communicating openly with your health care provider, coping with Suboxone-related sleepiness can be improved.


Managing Sleepiness on Suboxone

People who take Suboxone and feel sleepy as a side effect can take steps and use techniques to make it easier for them to go about their daily lives.

  1. Talk with your doctor: Your doctor is your guide on the road to recovery. If you are feeling too sleepy, do not be afraid to tell them. They might adjust your Suboxone dose or suggest other options to help you feel more awake.
  2. Boost Your Energy with Healthy Habits: Just like good food and exercise give you energy, healthy habits can help you stay awake when you are tired. Your body can get a boost from eating healthy meals, staying active, and getting some fresh air.
  3. Timing is key: When you take Suboxone, it can sometimes affect how sleepy it makes you. Your doctor might be able to help you figure out when to take it so that it does not get in the way of your activities.
  4. Stay curious: Learning how Suboxone works and why it might make you sleepy can help you understand your body better. The more you know, the better you can handle problems when they arise.
  5. Rest and Recharge: It is okay to take a short nap if you find yourself yawning. Just make sure it is not right before an important task or activity.
  6. Hydration: Staying hydrated can also help keep you sharp and full of energy throughout the day.


Before you make any changes to how you take Suboxone or how you sleep, you should talk to your doctor. They can look at your situation, change your treatment if needed, and tell you how to deal with sleepiness or drowsiness in a safe way.


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Final Thoughts on Suboxone and Sleepiness

Suboxone is a very important part of getting over an addiction and working toward a better life. However, it is unusual for some people to experience a surprising side effect, such as sleepiness. This results from the interplay between the ingredients in Suboxone and the functioning of the brain. The active ingredient, buprenorphine, can have an effect on the areas of the brain responsible for maintaining wakefulness, leaving you feeling drowsy and sleepy.

Even though this side effect does not happen to everyone, it is important to remember that everyone’s body reacts differently. Talk to your doctor if you are taking Suboxone and experiencing problems with daytime sleepiness. They can offer valuable guidance, including adjusting your dose or suggesting strategies in coping with Suboxone related sleepiness.


Do you want to know more? Read more relevant articles: How Suboxone Affects Weight


If you are having trouble with opioid abuse and need help, the National Addiction Specialists is here to help. You can chat with a doctor from the comfort of your own home using your phone, tablet, or computer. You’ll get a personalized treatment plan and keep getting care through telemedicine until you’re fully better.


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