Online Suboxone Doctors

I have was stuck in addiction for over 20yrs and this team of Doctors and staff have completely changed my life! I'm able to reach a provider or staff via cell phone so quickly and easy. This is the 1st time in my life I've ever had success and also the 1st having 19mo clean
top rated online suboxone treatment for opioid addiction treatment in tennessee and texas
NAS Patient

How Can Online Suboxone Doctors Help Opioid Addiction Recovery?

Online suboxone doctors can be beneficial in helping people recover from opioid addiction by giving the appropriate care based on each patient’s needs and requirements and by offering the following assistance to help the patient achieve a long-lasting recovery:

National Addiction Specialists online suboxone doctors are certified suboxone providers and a member of the following associations ASAM, Tennessee Medical Association (, and TNSAM. 

We are here to provide you an individualized opioid treatment plan for long-term recovery. 

Online Suboxone doctors

Our Telemedicine Suboxone Treatment Process

Schedule online appointments for suboxone treatment with online suboxone doctors

Schedule Online Appointment/Consultation

The first step in telemedicine-based Suboxone treatment is a consultation with our patient coordinator. The patient can accomplish this through a phone call or a video conference. During the consultation, our dedicated patient coordinator will assess you to see if Suboxone is the right course of therapy for you and will address any concerns you may have about the treatment.

Telemedicine suboxone treatment for opioid addiction treatment

First Telehealth Suboxone Visit With Your Provider

After completing the prequalification questionnaire, agreements, and consents, our suboxone doctors will assess your initial screening tests and discuss the specific treatment plan. After your assessment, you will receive your first buprenorphine/naloxone (Suboxone) prescription.

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Prescription will be issued by your Provider

Our online Suboxone doctors will electronically prescribe Suboxone medication to your local pharmacy of choice. We can only give this medication or prescription to you after a telehealth appointment.

Opioid Addiction Treatment Online Counseling and Therapies

Continued Counseling and Support Services

Regular counseling has shown patients are more likely to succeed in full recovery from opioid addiction. Patients will diligently join and comply with any relapse prevention, group, and individual counseling sessions that National Addiction Specialists encourage them to participate in to maintain Suboxone maintenance, avoid relapse and achieve long-term recovery.

It is also important to remember that Suboxone alone is not enough. It should be used as part of a larger treatment plan which may include counseling and other support services.

While looking for “online suboxone doctors near me” may be a convenient and accessible option for some people, it is critical to find a provider that you feel comfortable with and who understands your needs with whom you can share your opioid addiction recovery journey.

Ease of Access to Individualized Opioid Recovery Care and Support

Recovery from opioid addiction can be challenging, especially for individuals who are balancing work and treatment. This is why having access to the right support and resources at home can be very beneficial. National Addiction Specialists offer an online Suboxone clinic providing medication-assisted treatment for opioid addiction.

Our Suboxone doctors are licensed and authorized to prescribe Suboxone and a medication-assisted treatment program. Our clinic accepts Medicare, Medicaid, and insurance plans, making Suboxone treatment convenient and affordable for those who need it.

Got Questions to Ask? We are here to assist you!

Online Suboxone Treatment - Opioid Addiction Treatment using phone

Book Free - No Obligation assessment to check whether Suboxone is appropriate treatment for you

If you are struggling to find the right opioid addiction suboxone care, book a consultation now to learn how online suboxone treatment can help you!
national addictiion specialists suboxone doctors dr chad elkin
Dr Chad Elkin - Medical Director
National Addiction Specialists