Start your journey to freedom today.

Receive a personalized opioid addiction recovery plan online today. Recovery isn’t an easy to thing to start. But by starting with National Addiction Specialists, you’ll have top-notch providers, counselors, and peer specialists on your side. 

Medicated Assisted Treatment, Individual Counseling, & Group Counseling with Telemedicine.


At National Addiction Specialists, we believe in helping people who face opioid addiction in the most efficient and most beneficial method for the patient as possible. We approach every patient as a unique individual, creating a tailored treatment program for their needs. 

women holding hands

Medicated Assisted Treatment, Individual Counseling, & Group Counseling with Telemedicine.


At National Addiction Specialists, we believe in helping people who face opioid addiction in the most efficient and most beneficial method for the patient as possible. We approach every patient as a unique individual, creating a tailored treatment program for their needs. 
